
Kia Ora Bloggers

I would go back in time to when I went to rainbows end because that day I was too scared to ride the roller coaster because I was little and I was very scared.

The other reason I would travel back  to rainbows end because I could do all the rides again because they are all very fun I would also try the spinning chairs because I was very scared of those too because they looked like you would fall out.

I was also scared of the fair fall because it dropped you so high.

where would you go back in time?

blog you later


4 thoughts on “Ponder

  1. Kia ora Jack
    My name’s Sony in room 17.
    I think when l can go back in time l’ll go to when l’m don’t care my granny and now she died.
    Blog you later.

    1. Kia Ora Sony

      I would also like to go back in time when I turned 10 because that was a special time for me because I was turning into my double digits.
      if there was another time that you could go back to where would you go?
      and please make sure your sentences make sense?
      blog you later

  2. Hi Jack
    I would travel back in time on my seventh birthday.
    Because my seventh birthday was awesome.
    which person would you meet back in time?
    By Ioela

    1. Kia Ora Ioela
      If I could I would travel back in time to my 4th birthday because I got a really cool toy.
      I would also like to meet my younger self and tell them to never give up.
      what would you tell to your younger or older self?
      blog you later

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