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Kia Ora Bloggers,


I would probably not go in the water if there were those animals. If it was an Eel and a dolphin sure but not an electric Eel because they produce 500 volts of electricity they can kill someone about Max’s age.

if you are 10 and up you have a higher chance of surviving but you would still have to go to hospital because it is still serious.

and for a Piranha I would still avoid them they have really sharp teeth.

and maybe they could chomp off your arm.

would you swim in the water with them?

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Kia Ora Bloggers

Welcome back to school!!!!

If I could explore any part of the world I would probably explore the ocean and see if I could find any new shipwrecks and I would also like to explore the ocean because I am very interested in the titanic and I would like to see it is person not just by image. I guess the downside of exploring the ocean is that you would always have to go back up for oxygen and you would also have to have some way of keeping yourself safe from sea creatures that would eat you.

where would you explore?

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One Point Perspective art

Kia Ora Bloggers,

I finished my calendar art today it was very fun. here are the steps you need to follow to make the art

  1. after you have done you draft you get a big piece of paper
  2. next when you have got your big piece of paper you get a ruler. use your ruler to draw a straight for where your horizon line is Your horizon line can be anywhere you want it to be.
  3. after you have your horizon line you use your ruler to draw a road, train track, a bridge and a walkway they will all be in different places depending on how big you want your art to be.
  4. when you done all that and you have drawn all the detail you want then you can go over your art in black felt NOT vivid.
  5. when you get your teachers approval you can start colouring and make sure your colours are bold.
  6. when you have done that you have finished your art get your teacher approval and your art will look spectacular.

it will look like an on going RD.

have you done calendar art?

do you like my art?

can you please give me feedback on what I can do better next time?

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Kia Ora Bloggers

I would go back in time to when I went to rainbows end because that day I was too scared to ride the roller coaster because I was little and I was very scared.

The other reason I would travel back  to rainbows end because I could do all the rides again because they are all very fun I would also try the spinning chairs because I was very scared of those too because they looked like you would fall out.

I was also scared of the fair fall because it dropped you so high.

where would you go back in time?

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